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Experience Plus


Grammar School at Leeds

Alwoodley, North Leeds

Moorlands School

Far Headingley, North Leeds

The Mount School

Tadcaster Road, York

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We look for people who put their heart into what they do, and then help them to lead.

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Training Dates 2024

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We believe that by working together, we can actively drive change in our industry and make a difference to the lives of children across the UK. 

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Become a Franchisee

We look for people who put their heart into what they do, and then help them to lead.

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Partnering with Adventure Camps gives you the opportunity to improve your offering to children and parents.

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The fundamentals

The foundations of our bespoke programmes are built upon our core values; the things that we believe all young people need to thrive.

Connection-Centric Environments

Our purposeful adventure settings foster deep connections between campers, the natural world, and each other. Whether it's sports, bushcraft, or performing arts, this connection-driven approach enriches learning with the essence of adventure.

Participation-Led Exploration

Our approach empowers campers to steer their own adventure. We believe in camper-led exploration, where curiosity fuels the learning journey. At Adventure Camps, campers are active participants, making choices, and shaping their own adventure story.

Holistic Growth

Adventure Camps isn't just about physical challenges; it's about personal growth. We prioritise holistic development, ensuring that campers' physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being is nurtured. Each day at camp is designed with purpose, catering to these vital aspects..

Thriving Communities

Community spirit is at the heart of our adventure camps. Campers, parents, and our adventure educators form a tight-knit community that thrives on mutual respect and collaboration. Together, we create an environment where every camper's voice is celebrated and valued.

Tailored to Every Stage

We recognize that young people develop at different paces. Our approach is flexible and adaptable to meet the unique needs of each individual, regardless of their age or level of experience.

Reflection and Independence

Reflection is a key part of our approach. Students are encouraged to think, reflect, and understand their experiences, fostering self-awareness and independence.

Real-World Skills

Our camps are about mastering life skills. Young people leave with practical skills they can use in their everyday lives, from teamwork in sports to confidence in performing arts.

Cultivating Creativity

We're all about adventure-inspired creativity! Campers are encouraged to unleash their creative spirits, whether it's through storytelling, performing arts, or finding innovative solutions in the wild.

Thriving Community

Community spirit is at the heart of our adventure camps. Campers, parents, and our adventure educators form a tight-knit community that thrives on mutual respect and collaboration. Together, we create an environment where every camper's voice is celebrated and valued.

Our Goals

We encourage our young people to be healthy, kind, creative and curious. Communication is a key priority of our work, and our goal is to ensure that all children learn to be confident in who they are. Our Goals outline what we want young people to learn while at our camp.

  • You are special.
  • Your potential is limitless.
  • Express yourself.
  • Learn through process not product.
  • Develop self-confidence.
  • Look after the environment.
  • You are part of a community.
  • Embrace difference and celebrate diversity.
  • Be kind.
  • You have a voice.
  • Develop healthy habits.
  • Being physically active is fun.
  • Love the outdoors whatever the weather.
  • Keep yourself safe.
  • Be happy.
  • Wonder and imagine.
  • Be inquisitive.
  • Solve the problem.
  • Take the challenge.
  • Try new things.
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